I am looking at my flight itinerary for my trip to Japan and the numbers are very strange.
Take a look and see what you think.
Flight #1
Departure: 21 June 8:40 am: Boston
Arrival: 21 June 10:31 am: Toronto
Duration: 1:51
Distance: 444.28 miles
Flight #2
Departure: 21 June 1:40 pm: Toronto
Arrival: 22 June 3:35 pm: Tokyo
Duration: 12:55
Distance: 6426.22 miles
Flight #3
Departure: 22 June 7:55 pm: Tokyo
Arrival: 22 June 8:55 pm: Komatsu
Duration: 1:00
Distance: 195.73 miles
How many hours did I spend on all 3 flights together?
How long was the whole trip from start to finish? How do you know?
I leave at 8:40 am on Thursday and arrive at 8:55 pm on Friday. How does that make sense?
How many miles will I fly on my way to Komatsu?
Now take a look at my flight itinerary on the way back. This time I leave at 5:40 pm on July 1st and arrive in Toronto at 4:45 pm on the same day. How can this be? Am I a time traveler????
Flight #1
Departure: 01 July 5:40 pm: Tokyo
Arrival: 01 July 4:45 pm: Toronto
Duration: 12:05
Distance: 6426.22 miles
Flight #2
Departure: 01 July 8:55pm: Toronto
Arrival: 01 July 10:27pm: Boston
Duration: 1:32
Distance: 444.28 miles
How many hours did I spend on the 2 flights together?
How long was the whole trip from start to finish? How do you know?
How many miles will I fly on my way from Tokyo to Boston?
What did you need to know about time around the world to understand my crazy itinerary?
Feel free to leave me a comment to let me know what you found out ; )
Simply add 13 hours to Eastern Standard time so that all times will be indicated in Tokyo time. From there just simply do the subtraction and you’ll be all set.